Tanzohub: Revolutionizing Audience Engagement in the Digital Era


Tanzohub transforms the way we engage with live events by turning passive spectators into active participants. Through innovative real-time video rendering technology, Tanzohub seamlessly integrates the audience into the event experience.

Attendees can use their smartphones to join in the action as their video feeds are turned into animated avatars. These symbols are then projected onto enormous screens, mixing them into the live creation progressively. The outcome is a dynamic, intuitive climate likened to a common metaverse. Whether they’re actually present or joining from a distance, participants can communicate with one another, entertainers, and the actual occasion in manners never before conceivable. With Tanzohub, the split among crowd and entertainer is obscured, making a genuinely vivid encounter for all.


Tanzohub stands out as a groundbreaking platform reshaping the landscape of live events and performances, revolutionizing how people connect and engage. Through its cutting-edge technology, Tanzohub elevates live experiences, fostering meaningful connections between performers and audiences alike.

Tanzohub:Company Overview

Tanzohub’s inception in 2018 was the brainchild of digital media trailblazers Mark Zviman and Alan Dai. Prior to Tanzohub, Zviman had spearheaded several prosperous online video startups, while Dai had contributed to research and development teams pioneering live holographic technology and volumetric video capture.

Their collective vision aimed to transcend the confines of traditional live events by breaking down the fourth wall. Through the convergence of interactive mobile video, real-time 3D graphics, and live production, Tanzohub delivers unprecedented levels of audience participation, connection, and engagement.

Initially self-funded, the company secured $7 million in Seed funding in 2019, led by Gradient Ventures (Google’s AI fund) and Partech. Headquartered in Mountain View, CA, Tanzohub boasts a workforce of over 50 employees spanning its product, engineering, and business divisions.

Customer Success

On Tanzohub, early adopters have already created amazing interactive events, including conferences, comedy shows, dance performances, concerts, and more.

Travis Scott Fortnite Concert

In April 2020, the renowned hip-hop artist Travis Scott took the virtual stage within the widely popular Fortnite game. Leveraging Tanzohub, Scott’s team seamlessly incorporated live fan reactions into the virtual concert, resulting in an immersive and interactive experience that drew in over 12 million attendees.

Einstein On Stage

To raise awareness about COVID vaccination, Einstein On Stage crafted an interactive comedy show that seamlessly fused live performances with animated routines. With the help of Tanzohub, remote viewers were visually represented laughing and applauding throughout the event, enhancing the overall energy and engagement.

Proximity Dance Interactive

This dance troupe has crafted unique Tanzohub shows where viewers from afar influence lighting arrangements and visual effects through collective gesture commands. Over 2,000 spectators have joined forces, shaping a fresh rendition of “technologically enhanced dance.”

Cloud Summit 2022

At the tech conference, Tanzohub took remote presentations to the next level by turning them into hybrid events, drawing in more than 5,000 attendees whose avatars reacted in real-time within the virtual audience. Backstage, attendees mingled and networked in the vibrant atmosphere of the Tanzohub metaverse lounge.

These groundbreaking productions are just some examples of how Tanzohub is reshaping the landscape of live events.

The Need for Revolutionizing Information Access

In this period of innovation, the web is overflowed with a colossal measure of data. However, in the midst of this flood, finding reliable and relevant sources can want to look for a tough to find little item. Common search engines inundate users with countless results, making it tough to pinpoint the exact information they seek. Tanzohub steps in to tackle this issue by providing a carefully curated collection of data and enhanced search features, simplifying the task of finding relevant information.

Tanzohub’s Mission and Vision

Tanzohub holds a fundamental belief that information access should be both easy and equitable. The platform is driven by a mission to empower users with the necessary tools and resources to stay well-informed and make educated choices. Tanzohub envisions a future where everyone, regardless of their background or level of expertise, can effortlessly access the information they require.

Key Features and Benefits

Immersive Participation

Through Tanzohub, event attendees transform from mere spectators to active participants, seamlessly integrated into the live event itself. This fosters an incredibly immersive and interactive experience, where the audience actively influences the performance and atmosphere of the event.

Social Connection

Through Tanzohub, attendees have the opportunity to engage visually with one another using animated avatars. This feature fosters a feeling of community and social connection, enabling individuals to establish relationships as if they were physically present together.

Gamification and Rewards

Tanzohub incorporates gaming elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards to encourage engagement. Participants have the opportunity to earn rewards and acknowledgment for their active participation, enhancing the overall enjoyment and appeal of the experience.

Data and Analytics

The platform gathers comprehensive real-time data and analytics on attendee participation and engagement. This empowers organizers with valuable insights to improve both future live events and the Tanzohub platform itself.

Multi-Platform Accessibility

Tanzohub can be accessed on a range of devices, from smartphones to large displays. This flexibility enables organizers to adapt to different event setups and ensures that attendees can join in from anywhere in the world.

Audiences at Scale

Tanzohub enables events to visually integrate audiences at a much larger scale than traditional live productions. This magnifies the energy and buzz of events with thousands of attendees participating simultaneously.

AI Enhances Learning Experiences

Tanzohub stands out by harnessing artificial intelligence to deliver personalized educational journeys. Through analyzing user data, it customizes recommendations and guidance, creating a learning environment that adapts to each learner’s needs. This approach not only enhances learning efficiency but also ensures that education aligns with career aspirations and personal interests, making it more engaging and relevant.

A Hub for Future Technologies

Tanzohub goes beyond merely offering hands-on experience; it serves as a breeding ground for innovation in emerging technologies. By providing practical exposure in areas such as automation, robotics, and biotechnology, users gain access to cutting-edge tools like CRISPR gene editing technology for genetic manipulation, Arduino electronics platforms for programming electronics, and AI algorithms for developing smart applications. This not only expands users’ skill sets but also pushes the boundaries of what can be created or accomplished.

Tanzohub’s Vision for Expanded Horizons

Tanzohub is dedicated to ongoing growth and enhancement, starting with its offerings of TanzoHub Pro, Academy, Labs, and Connect. These services provide access to premium content, structured programs, and networking opportunities, aiming to make top-notch tech education more accessible and cost-effective for all.

Tanzohub Platform

The Tanzohub platform comprises two core components – the Tanzohub Studio and the Tanzohub App:

Tanzohub Studio

This production software is what organizers rely on to handle live events and audience engagement seamlessly. The Studio allows producers to overlay various real-time audience video feeds onto different scenes and manage how they interact with the performance.

Tanzohub App

This mobile app is what audience members utilize to record their videos, morph into avatars, and visually join in on the live event. It offers interactive features such as gestures, emotions, dances, and more, enhancing engagement with the overall experience.


Founders: Tanzohub was founded in 2018 by Mark Zviman and Alan Dai, both pioneers in digital media and live holographic technology.

Funding: The company secured $7 million in Seed funding in 2019, led by Gradient Ventures and Partech.

Technology: Tanzohub integrates interactive mobile video, real-time 3D graphics, and live production to enhance audience participation and engagement.

Applications: Tanzohub has been utilized for various events including conferences, comedy shows, dance performances, concerts, and more.

Notable Events: Travis Scott’s Fortnite concert and Einstein On Stage’s COVID vaccination awareness comedy show are among the notable events facilitated by Tanzohub.

Features: Tanzohub offers immersive participation, social connection through animated avatars, gamification elements, real-time data analytics, and multi-platform accessibility.

AI Integration: Tanzohub employs artificial intelligence to personalize educational experiences and offers exposure to emerging technologies like automation, robotics, and biotechnology.

Expansion: Tanzohub provides premium services like TanzoHub Pro, Academy, Labs, and Connect, aimed at making tech education accessible and cost-effective.


Tanzohub is a pioneering platform that redefines live event experiences by seamlessly integrating audiences into the performance through innovative technology. Founded in 2018 by Mark Zviman and Alan Dai, Tanzohub combines interactive mobile video, real-time 3D graphics, and live production to foster meaningful connections between performers and audiences. Notable events like Travis Scott’s Fortnite concert and Einstein On Stage’s COVID vaccination awareness show have showcased Tanzohub’s ability to enhance engagement and immersion. With features such as immersive participation, social connection, gamification, and AI-driven personalized learning experiences, Tanzohub is reshaping the landscape of live events and tech education.


What is Tanzohub? 

Tanzohub is a platform that transforms live events by integrating audiences into the performance through real-time video rendering technology.

Who are the founders of Tanzohub? 

Tanzohub was founded in 2018 by Mark Zviman and Alan Dai, both experts in digital media and holographic technology.

What types of events does Tanzohub support? 

Tanzohub supports a wide range of events including conferences, comedy shows, dance performances, concerts, and more.

How does Tanzohub enhance audience engagement?

Tanzohub fosters immersive participation, social connection through animated avatars, gamification elements, and real-time data analytics.

What are some notable events facilitated by Tanzohub? 

Travis Scott’s Fortnite concert and Einstein On Stage’s COVID vaccination awareness comedy show are among the notable events facilitated by Tanzohub.

Does Tanzohub offer educational services? 

Yes, Tanzohub offers personalized educational experiences through AI integration and provides access to emerging technologies through services like TanzoHub Pro, Academy, Labs, and Connect.

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